Koplow Dice Game - Spotzee Dotzee Poker

Category:  Dice Games
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Objective of Game: 

To have the highest total score after each player has scored all 13 turns. 

To Start: Choose a player to go first. Play moves to the left. On Your Turn: Roll all five dice. Then, you may make up to two re-rolls of any dice you wish, trying to create the best possible score. You do not have to use all three rolls of the dice, and can score at any time. 

Scoring: You must record a score on one of the rows of the score sheet each time you take a turn, even if it means scoring zero in an empty row that your dice do not match. You cannot move or change any score after it has been recorded on the score sheet. 


Rules and 5 large 22mm dice as shown.

Objective of Game: 

To have the highest total score after each player has scored all 13 turns. 

To Start: Choose a player to go first. Play moves to the left. On Your Turn: Roll all five dice. Then, you may make up to two re-rolls of any dice you wish, trying to create the best possible score. You do not have to use all three rolls of the dice, and can score at any time. 

Scoring: You must record a score on one of the rows of the score sheet each time you take a turn, even if it means scoring zero in an empty row that your dice do not match. You cannot move or change any score after it has been recorded on the score sheet. 


Rules and 5 large 22mm dice as shown.